Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2, 1913 vs May 2, 2013

Planted 21 Dahlias and 270 Gladiolus bulbs.
Done up curtains.

50-83 Fair
Plowed all day.

Worked in the neurology office today. Saw some intriguing patients.
Came home, the kids were cranky. The men are still laying the floor and the house has totally been torn apart so the kids have not been napping. Poor babies.
Maurice was all about snuggling in bed tonight and hugging.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1, 1913 vs May 1, 2013

Mowed Lawn
Sowed some seeds
Done up curtains
Got out the bulbs
Sowed pansy seed and salvia
After supper too a ride around the square and then went over to Wises untill 9 oclock.

55-80 Fair
Plowed all day.

Worked in sleep lab in the am.
Had a hair appointment after.
Men were still working on the flooring and it was noisy and dirty so Crystal took the kids out for the day. Ada conked out on the way back home and slept until 5:30, when I went and got her up.  Maurice was more than pleased to have me all to himself until then.
After dinner Maurice impressed me with his little truck workbook.  He's connecting matching shapes with a line.  And he is doing great!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 30, 1913 vs April 30, 2013

Made garden A.M.
Went to Mendon PM in auto

Note: She doesn't record any financial expenditures on the 30th, but for the 29th she lists:
Corset $2.75
Muslin $0.15
Paint $0.25
Stockings $ 0.10
Cord & elastic $0.12

40-70 Fair
Drawed 11 loads of manure in am
Dragged rest of day.

Took Maurice to pre-school.
Came home to meet up with the men who are laying our new floor. They were running late so I left for an appointment with Ada. Came back, met with them, and then went to get Maurice. We went to McDonalds for lunch (so we could stay out of their hair) and then to a friend's house to jump on their trampauline (to stay out of their hair longer). Came home, the noise level was amzaing, but both kids were quiet in their beds. I was able to actually do some worrk I needed to do.
It was a gorgeous day. Once everyone was up we headed outside and played with bikes. Ada is a trooper.  When she falls off her tricycle, she cries, and climbs back on crying with a look of fierce determination on her little face.

Monday, April 29, 2013

April 29, 1913 vs April 29, 2013

Finished my room.
Tried to mow lawn.
Ironed some, etc.

(We mowed for the first time two days ago. Wonder why she 'tried' to mow the lawn. Maybe the lawn mower--push type-- needed some servicing?)

40-60 Fair
Dragged most of the day
went to town for salt

Returned several business phone calls in the am. Started several loads of laundry. Tidied up in general. Played outside with the kids after nap time. Both are loving their Christmas bikes although Maurice seems to like Ada's tricycle a bit better than his Strider bike.
Did some yard work after dinner, and the kids happily dug in the dirt while Tarek and I did what we needed to do.
Both kids needed a bath tonight.
Ada has developed a little post-bath/pre-bed routine. After getting in her pajamas and getting her teeth and hair brushed, she sprints into Maurice's room, throws herself giggling onto the little rug in his room.  Once thoroughly sprawled out she proceeds to joyfully convulse every muscle in her body while laughing hysterically.
Oh, the joys of being two!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Monday, April 28, 1913 vs Sunday, April 28, 2013

Washed and done up some curtains.
Sam Holmes came in the morning for the first.

(Rather cryptic mention of Sam Holmes again. She just mentioned him 3 days ago "...and watercolored a room for Sam Holmes.")

40-52 Fair
Went to town in am
Clipped Frank
Brot [sp] new drag home
Dragged in pm.

(Now we know the names of Ray's two work horses: Bill and Frank)

Went to church with the kids. Since Ada turned two years old she's been in the same room with Maurice. So, today when she saw she was going in the big kids room, she just started giggling happily. 
Came home and ate left overs from last night.
Everyone except Tarek took naps.
We got groceries after dinner.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sunday, April 27, 1913 vs Saturday, April 27, 2013

Got ready for Grandma and Uncle Ammon but they didn't come.
Went to church P.M.
Wrote letters at night.

40-48 Rain
at home in am
church in pm

(Maybe Grandma and Uncle Ammon didn't come because they would have likely gotten wet during the ride over.)

Tarek took Maurice in the morning to run a few errands. I started working on dinner things early.  Did some yard work out with the kids. Ada played with her tricycle and Maurice dug in the dirt and rode his bike while I dug up dandelions.
Started cooking in earnest around 2 pm. Pierre and Anita came a bit early, and Anita brought one of her lovely tablecloths over and fixed the table nicely for me.
The Naders came and we had a lovely dinner.  We had: assorted Lebanese pickles (turnips and wild cucumber), cashews and pumpkin seeds as nibblers.  Then fatousch, which Randa brought, and kibbe with labneh, rice with chicken, asparagus, potatoes, hummus, bread, arak, and spinach pies.  Then the pudding for dessert with tea.  The kids behaved really quite well and went to bed without any fuss.

Friday, April 26, 2013

April 26, 1913 vs April 26, 2013

Cleaned up around for over Sunday.
picked out a cup of nuts.

40-60 Cloudy
Clipped Bill in am
Plowed som [e]
Dragged in pm

Worked in sleep lab in the morning. Came home and then realized I forgot to pick up some things from the accountant for Tarek.  So, I ran in to town and did that.
Maurice did not nap. Ada napped until almost 5 pm.
We met Tarek out for dinner and then went to the International Grocery store to get some things for our little dinner party tomorrow.
Stopped at Target on the way home to pick up a few more things.
After the kids were in bed I made Mhalabeya (like an orange blossom cream pudding for those who don't know) for tomorrow's dessert.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25, 1913 vs April 25, 2013

Cleaned Hall and watercolored a room for Sam Holmes put down the carpet and settled it.
moved the seperator to shanty

Note: I can only assume that Sam Holmes asked Dora to paint a room of his house because she did it in a nice way.  I wonder what she meant by 'watercoloring' a room.
Also, I think every house needs a shanty.  I will now refer to our garden shed as our shanty.

52- Rain
Drawed clover chaff & plowing.

Worked out at the neuro office today. It was extremely hectic, to say the least. 
But when I got home, I was greeted by joy. 
Ada came pitter-pattering to me, eager to show me something.
And boy who I've been trying to get to tell me things like what he did at pre-school that day, suddenly volunteered a vast amount of information. Then as I was hugging him, he said, "Awww... Mama's proud of me!"  He told me he made a red lady bug, a pink butterfly, and something about rockets.  He then told me he ate pancake cookies at pre-school.  My mama-heart did a little dance!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 24, 1913 vs April 24, 2013

Cleaned pantry and Bath Room

(I actually like cleaning and re-organizing the pantry, but I wonder how different Dora's pantry would be from mine.  I'm guessing she didn't have any mac n' cheese in her pantry.  Also, I am assuming they had a real bathroom, meaning no out house and running water.  Mom? Kerry? Confirm or deny.)

38-80 Fair
Drawed 8 loads of manure in am
Plowed in pm

(Pretty warm temperatures for a Michigan April...)

Worked in the sleep lab today for most of the day. I did get home earlier than I thought I would, so that was good. A few patients that had to be re-scheduled from last week asked about the flooding, which was nice of them.
Interestingly, the blog is getting to me.  Every single time I started dictating today I said, "This is Cayla Burke dictating on Patient X on April 24, 1913...ooops...I mean April 24, 2013." 
Pretty sure the transciber will be annoyed with me.
Kids were in good moods and Ada is now telling us when she is doing #2.  We really might be potty training again in the near future!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 23, 1913 vs April 23, 2013

Cleaned parlor and bedroom

50-78 Fair
Plowed in am
Dragged in pm

Took Maurice to pre-school. Made a quick run to Target with Ada. Came home and finished putting away laundry while Ada monkeyed around.
Kids took naps after lunch. We had a slow afternoon and it started raining again. Hoping the ground isn't too saturated for my drive to work tomorrow. I'm working a full day tomorrow to make up for having to re-schedule patients last Friday due to flood waters.

Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, 1913 vs April 22, 2013

Painted the kitchen the last coat
Ma cleaned her bedroom

50-75 Fair
Plowed all day

Did all of our laundry today, cleaned and tidied up. Popped by our nanny's house, picked up some dry cleaning, and then took the car (and kids) through the car wash. Maurice had a look of joy on his face the entire time.  For Ada, it was more of a jaw-dropping experience, only made tolerable by her tight grasp on a sticky Dum-Dum the ladies at the dry cleaners gave her.  On the way home from the car wash, she held up her sucker and said, "I like it."  I said, "Oh, you like your lollipop?"  She nodded very solemnly.
Glorious afternoon:  Wagon ride with the kids, chatted with neighbors, and kids played on the porch while I fixed dinner.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 20 & 21, 1913 vs April 20 & 21, 2013

Sunday the 20th
Read A.M.
Went to church & S.S P.M. and when we came home had my first auto ride around the square
Mrs Shelly Preached or rather held the meeting.

Note: I'm sort of surprised it took them this long to actually have a ride in the new car.  Her father had brought the new car home on the 7th of April.  Either they were just busy with getting started plowing, or maybe they just admired the car a while before trying to figure out how to drive it.  Either way, today marks the beginning of an era in the Schneider family and it's descendants...
I am also familiar with this "square" as my cousin Jason and I would ride our bikes around the block (as we called it).  Today, this consists of a happy downhill ride, a turn left onto a dirt road, which was pure agony, then another left turn to an even more agonizing upward climb.  This takes you to the top of a very large, two-part hill, which was exhilarating (and dangerous-one never wanted to wipe out on this hill).  Then on to another left turn and a slow upward climb, only made tolerable by the memory of the most recent exhilaration.  Turn one last left and then the last hill.  That last hill would let you glide nicely home.
So, I can imagine a ride in a Model T around those same curves, probably only different in the fact that none of the roads were paved at that time.

Another point:  Mrs. Shelly preached?  Her husband must have been the preacher and not available.  Interesting that her first point is that she preached, meaning that she led the meeting in a very similar way that her husband would have, but then Dora remembered that women don't preach.  So, she backed off.

27-50 Fair
at home in am
church in pm
went down to Grandmas at night

Saturday the 20th
We ran errands in the am. I took Maurice for a hair cut.  The cable guy came and fixed some things in the afternoon.  Tarek and I went out and celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary.  We went to the Melting Pot, which is where he proposed to me eight years ago.  What a sweet guy! We got home late and I forgot to post until we were half asleep...

Monday the 21st
Washed and cleaned church yard.

40-60 Fair
Plowed and dragged all day.

Sunday the 21st
Went to church.
Everyone (except Ada) took naps. She blabbed happily and may have slept for a bit, but certainly didn't take her usual 2-3 hour nap. Maurice slept for three hours, which is highly unusual.
We made a quick trip to a store to look at a couch we are interested in once everyone was up.  Maurice is cracking us up with the things he is saying these days.  At the store, he saw something (I don't know what it was) and he said, "Oh, that's strange!"  He said it with such force, it was hilarious.
And as we were reading to him tonight before bed he started reading the book with us and using the vocal inflections that we usually use and then he gave me a really proud look.

Friday, April 19, 2013

April 19, 1913 vs April 19, 2013

Baked bread
Cleaned up house and Raked the church yard.
Retired at 8:30.

Ray: 40-55 Fair
Plowed all day
town at night.

(He makes no note that he spent any money in town)

After driving home yesterday and seeing how close the water was to the road, I figured there would be major flooding today.  And yes, there was major flooding.  The roads were pretty much blocked off, covered in water and there was a county-wide order to stay home and keep the roads free for emergency vehicles.  And our nanny was totally surrounded by water and the people a block down from her were being evacuated.  So, Tarek and I stayed put with the kids.
Ada is having major two-year-old tantrums.  She seemed to improve, though, after a three hour nap.
Tarek was able to do some work from home and I spent time jabbing my now-infected-biopsy-site with a somewhat sterile scalpel blade (I didn't poke at it until it was already infected).  The bad side is the right...and you know how it's always hard to paint your right fingernails (if you are right handed)?  It's equally hard to do minor surgery with your left hand, in case anyone was wondering...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18, 1913 vs April 18, 2013

Cleaned 3 rooms upstairs
Ambrose Goodacre's, L.B. Hecklemans, J.W. Miller & wife called in the eve
Was invited to Birthday party at Langs but did not go.

Note: I'm unclear if she didn't go to the Birthday party because guests showed up or if she just ended up not going because she didn't want to.  But this is the 2nd time in recent history that she was invited somewhere to a social event and did not go.

40-71 Fair
Dragged all day/
(his letters are very elongated and the sentence is stretched way out. I suspect he was bone tired.)

Worked alone out at the neuro office.  On the way home I could have done with a hovercraft or a speed boat. It was pouring cats and dogs and I noticed that the water was right up to the road. Sure enough the news tells me tonight that this road is covered in water now.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 17, 1913 vs April 17, 2013

Painted old upstairs bedroom. baked pies.
P.M. Went to town bought outfit for finishing pictures and carrying case  8.90

40-65 Fair
Rolled & dragged & sowed oats.

Worked in the sleep lab today. It was a little hectic since the girl who worked out front moved on to bigger and better pastures.
Came home, Ada was napping after having a bit of a fever in the morning.
Trying to finish up the laundry tonight.
Tarek takes his exam tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wednesday, April 16, 1913 vs Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Painted my dresser A.M.
Baked and went down to the cemetry [sp] and to Uncle Daves.

40-60 Fair
Plowed in am
Started to sow oats in pm.

It was pouring down rain in the morning. Took Maurice to pre-school. Moped around and watched the news about Boston.  Picked Maurice up from pre-school and Crystal was waiting for us when we got home. She got the kids lunch while I changed quickly for work.
Worked a very busy afternoon at the sleep clinic. Tarek beat me home from work as traffic was pretty jumbled from all the rain.
Had a sweet time with Maurice, reading before bed. I'm continually amazed at how good his memory is and I'm beginning to wonder if he's able to read a few words already....

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tuesday, April 15, 1913 vs Monday, Arpil 15, 2013

Cleaned house in A.M.
Went to Mrs. Fishers to missionary meeting P.M.
Mrs. Shelly stayed all night.

30-58 Fair
Plowed & rolled all day.

Went to the Dermatologist first thing this morning to have a biopsy taken. Now I have both hands pretty much incapacitated.  Can take the sutures out in a week to 10 days.  In the mean time I need to keep my hands dry.  Easier said than done!
Didn't do much today since my fingers were numb for most of the day. Should have done laundry, but I didn't even feel up to that.
Heard the news about Boston via a text message from our nanny.
I did go to a drug dinner in the evening and Tarek put the kids to bed and then continued studying.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Monday, April 14, 1913 vs Sunday, April 14, 2013

Painted in the forenoon and planted seeds in boxes.

32-50 Fair
Plowed & rolled all day.

Went to church. After church, Maurice and I went to a birthday party for a boy in Maurice's pre-school.  He had a total blast. The party was at a bounce house/arcade. He pretty much ran around with a huge smile on his face the entire time.
Everyone took naps except Dadddy (he is still studying like mad).
We went to a walk, pulling the kids in the wagon, stopped to socialize with a neighbor and their dog, only to have the dog steal Ada's Mickey Mouse who was along for the ride. Took forever to get it back. Ada, who was laughing madly at the dog, didn't seem to mind. I think she may have been happy to share the love with that dog...
Enjoyed the lovely weather outside after dinner. Inspected our apple trees, which have leaves poking out.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sunday, April 13, 1913 vs Saturday, April 13, 2013

Read and played A.M.
Driesbach, Laura and Florence Shelly and Ralph were here to supper and stayed until 9:30

40-55 Fair
at home in am
Church in P.M.
Robert Driesbach, Ralph Miller & Laura & Forence came after church and said for supper.

Tarek tried to study most of the day for his Internal Medicine boards. I took Maurice to Target with me while Ada was still napping. We had fun and he really enjoyed having all of my attention to himself.
We went out for dinner at night.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Saturday, April 12, 1913 vs Friday, April 12, 2013

Baked bread pie and cake, etc.
Made a Jello for Foster's shower.

I did not go.

40-60 Fair
Plowed all day
went to Shower & belling at Fosters

Note: For those of you who don't know (me being one of them) a 'belling' is/was a regional word for a shivaree.  Don't know what a shivaree is? Clearly you haven't read enough historical romance novels...  But I will save you the google search:

shiv•a•ree (ˌʃɪv əˈri)
n., v. -reed, -ree•ing. n.
1. a mock serenade with noisemakers given for a newly married couple; charivari.
2. an elaborate, noisy celebration.
3. to serenade with a shivaree.
I was always under the impression a shivaree was a bit more than a serenade though. I always thought it was a bunch of well-wishers/trouble makers causing a hullabaloo while the newly married could was trying to complete the transaction, so to speak (this is a G rated blog).  Maybe I've read too many historical romance novels....anyway, the fact is that Ray went and Dora did not.  Maybe Dora was feeling too old maid-ish to go and Ray wanted to go whoop and holler a bit.
More power to him.
Any of my blog readers ever participate or witness a shivaree?  If so, please inform us ignorant and overly sophisticated readers about the joys and perils of a shivaree.
Also, Dora would have had flavored, powdered gelatin available to her, but it really would have been quite a novelty at this time.
Worked in the sleep lab.
Ada had her 2 year old check up today. She is 75th percentile for height, 50th for weight, which is pretty much what she's been all along.
We got groceries after the appointment which means I have nowhere I absolutely MUST go to for tomorrow, which is a nice thought.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Friday, April 11, 1913 vs Thursday, April 11, 2013

Swept and scrubbed kitchen A.M.
Went over to Shellys at night.

43- Cloudy
Went to Centerville to the mill, cut wood & pitched hay
Dora & I went over to Shellys at night.

Worked in the Neuro office today.  Got home early since Tarek had to work late today. We had to call someone out to check out our sump pump as the alarm kept going off. We think the main pump has failed and want to avoid a flooded basement.

I drive almost an hour west to the Neuro office and the patients we see there are largely farmers, paper mill workers, and other blue collar type workers.  Really, a pleasant group of people to work with-pleasant to me, perhaps, since this is the type of community in which I grew up.
But as I drive out there, on a road similar to M-60, I drive past fields and fields. Old farm houses. Little towns no longer thriving. Fields of cattle, sheep, and a few llamas.  Sometimes I have to slow way down for a tractor changing fields.
The pastures today were a brilliant emerald green. We've had some heavy rain and warm weather in the past week and everything is beginning to glow in that brilliant spring-time green.
Anyway, today as I was admiring those emerald green fields I started thinking about Ray, as I often do on my morning drive out west.
Now I know the fields that my grandfather had were not these huge monster fields that we have today.  But the fields that he did have at that time equaled 199 acres.  It struck me today what a job it would have been to just simply plow a field with a team of horses.  Up and down, over and over, one pass at a time until the field was done.  I wonder what it sounded like: the plow turning up the soil, kicking up rocks and in Ray's case, arrowheads.  I wonder what it felt like: bone breaking work, sweaty work, work that required balance, stamina, and brute strength. 
It was a solitary job, like most farming is today. But instead of a GPS-guided tractor rumbling beneath you, there would be two live animals in front of you. You'd hear them breathing, They'd be used to your handling.  Maybe they'd just respond to your voice.  Maybe you'd talk to them if you were bored.  Maybe they'd begin to feel more like companions than just work horses.  You'd hear them breathing, snorting, nickering. You'd hear and feel their tails swishing.  You'd have to consider if they needed water or not on a particularly hot day.  You'd smell their sweat.  And when you finished for the day, you'd take them back to the barn, brush them down, and feed them before you fed yourself.
I don't want to romanticize how hard farming was back then, or how it is today.  Next time you look at a field though, think about Ray, 20 years old, with his harness he'd been proudly polishing for four days straight, guiding his horses up and down that field....

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thursday, April 10, 1913 vs Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Finish putting holes A.M.
Tied out comforter P.M.
Went up to Andrews at night.

40-56 Rain
at home all day
Dora & I went up to E. Andrews at night.

Worked in the sleep lab today.
Came home and Ada was all in a tizzy and wouldn't nap.  She perked up after some popcorn (which she demanded).  Maurice is really surprising us with his increasing vocabulary and his amazing memory.  And Ada is showing a lot more interest in trying to say new words. Maurice at her age was not speaking nearly as much as she is right now.
Made a quick run to the grocery store to pick up snacks for pre-school tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wednesday, April 9, 1913 vs Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Finished painting kitchen first coat

30-42 Rain
Took a load of hogs & 2 calfs to Wasepi in am

Took Maurice to pre-school. Ran errands with Ada. Nobody napped today. We played outside in the afternoon since the weather was so beautiful. Opened all of the windows in the house to get some fresh air.

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8, 1913 vs April 8, 2013

Cleaned and painted kitchen

[what color, Dora??]

28-40 Fair
Drawed 5 loads of manure in am
Plowed in pm

Took both kids to my Dermatology appointment in the morning. They behaved well.
Ada needed to nap early. Maurice and I worked on laundry and we planted seeds for the Lebanese Pine Nut tree, or basically seeds for a pine tree that bears pine nuts.  When I told him that those seeds were going to grow into a tree, he got a look of utter amazement on his face.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Monday, April 7, 1913 vs Sunday, April 7, 2013

Washed A.M.
Painted cupboards P.M.
Ma and Pa went to town.
Pa brought home the automobile.

Note: I'm not sure which car it was that they bought, but this was their first car ever. I would guess it was a Model T, since in 1913 the Ford Motorcompany developed the first assembly line, making the Model T more affordable to the masses.  In 1913, the Model T cost $550, or $12,898.11 in today's money.

28-36 Fair
Drawed 6 loads of manure in am.
Plowed and rolled.

Was just out of the shower and getting ready for church when Matt and Joy Skyped us from Uganda. We hadn't had a chance to talk to them in a long time so we caught up. By the time we ended the conversation, church was almost started and Tarek still hadn't hopped in the shower yet. So we didn't make it to church.
It was a gorgeous day though. We had lunch at Einsteins and then took the kids to the park.  Maurice fell and skinned his knee pretty good, but even that didn't stop him for longer than about 45 seconds.
I wasn't feeling well so I laid down when the kids did for nap time.
I went and got groceries after the kids went to bed.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sunday, April 6, 1913 vs Saturday, April 6, 2013

Studied Missionary lesson etc. A.M.
Got ready and went early to build fire in the church.

36 Fair
at home in am
went to church in pm
home at night

I took Maurice to go get Ada's birthday cake.

As soon as he saw the cake he realized what was happening today and he had a hard time for the rest of the day.
Worked on getting dinner on. Made a Lebanese dinner: Kibbe with laban, rice with meat, hummus (regular and with meat), Pierre brought baba ghanoush, and I also had spinach pies and maneesh, salad, fries.
Pierre & Anita, Serge & Vivianne, and Angela & David came. We laughed and laughed and laughed...  Ada had fun too! 

Eating her cake with a fork like a big girl...
Once the gifts started getting opened, then Maurice started having fun too.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Saturday, April 5, 1913 vs Friday, April 5, 2013

Baked, cleaned and swept.
Got things in shape at the church.
Went to the Grange at night.

40-50 Fair
Started to Plow
went to Grange at night.

Worked in the sleep clinic in the morning.
Was pushing it to get to my Derm appointment right after work.
Appointment didn't take long though, so I had some time to get Ada some birthday gifts before meeting a friend for lunch.
Had lunch with Kerry and we had duck fat fries with some sort of horseradish mayo while we caught up.
As soon as Tarek got home from work, we went and picked up our new kitchen table and chairs, then had dinner at Chick Fil A.  Kids got to play in the play house after.  Maurice did not want to leave and I had to literally climb up the cork screw slide to drag him out. Fun times. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Friday, April 4, 1913 vs Thursday, April 4, 2013

Done up the work
helped take lawn swing to pieces
worked buttonholes in Sunbonnet
Wm. Wise was here to dinner.
Went to Poeths for popcorn at night.

60-35 Cloudy Rain
at home all day
went up to Poeths at night.

Super busy day in the neuro office today. I did get time with the kids before I left for work.  I got home quite late though. Tarek already had them bathed and in their pajamas, so we got some nice time together before bed.  Maurice was asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.
We peeled off the tape for my skin testing, which was fabulous because I was ready to claw it off if necessary...

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thursday, April 3, 1913 vs Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Did not get up untill 10 o'clock [presumably as a result of last night's ear ache]
Baked cookies and sewed some

Aunt Susie had her operation.

30-66 Rain
at home all day
piled lumber

Worked in sleep clinic today. Went to pick up some supplies for Ada's Birthday Party this weekend. Came home and had a super fun afternoon with the kids.
At dinner, Ada slung her arm over the back of her chair, kicked her feet up on the table and made up a little song to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle that pretty much included every member of our little family. It went like this: Maurice-o, Maurice-o, Maurice-o, Maurice-o. Baba, Baba, Baba, Baba. Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama. Ada, Ada, Ada, Ada.  All with a pleasant, happy look mixed with intense concentration. Precious.
At bed time-snuggle time, Maurice informed me that his rocket toes were taking him up to the moon and that his red car hands were going to park in the garage (under the pillows). I asked what his eyes were and he thought about it for a few seconds and told me they were bull dozers that weren't tired.
Ok. Understood. Maybe he can stay up a bit later now.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Wednesday, April 2, 1913 vs Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ironed and sewed
Went to prayer meeting and came home with earache.
(cleaned a little yard)

38-44 Rain
at home all day
cleaned oats
Split wood
Went to Childs to prayer meeting at night.

Note: I admit, I had to look up what oats looked like. When I was growing up the nearby fields were mostly corn and beans, with some cucumbers, potatoes, and occasionally winter wheat.  There were fields of hay too, and now that I see this photo, I know I've seen it growing before, but just thought it was hay and not a unique plant.  For those of you like me, here is what oats look like.

Took Maurice to pre-school only to find the parking lot deserted and the doors firmly locked.  Only upon reaching home, hours later did I notice on the schedule of events that it is Spring Break.  So much for being observant.
Anyway, I had a Dermatology appointment that I had planned knowing (funny what we think we know) that I'd only have one child with me on Tuesday morning. But now I had two.
But....drumroll....they were very well-behaved and I just looked at the ceiling while Ada was rolling around on the exam room floor.  I was unable to do anything anyway, the nurses were applying 80 patches on my back for some skin testing to see if my problem is simply a contact dermatitis (that I've have for over 10 years now, steadily worsening) or it is the worst case of eczema ever, or if it is the family plague of psoriasis.  I'm hoping for contact dermatitis.
Kids behaved well for the rest of the errands (post office and cleaners).
Nobody napped for unclear reasons.
After dinner Tarek planted our two new Cedars of Lebanon (which we are totally thrilled about--they are very hard to find).  Kids got thoroughly frozen, but didn't want to come in.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Tuesday, April 1, 1913 vs Monday, April 1, 2013

Washed and ironed some.
Cleaned a little yard.
Went to April Fool Surprise on Walter Goodacre.

40-26 Fair
Drawed 6 loads of manure in am.
Rolled cornstalks in pm.
Dora & I went to Surprise Party in Walter Goodacre

Note: I am not sure what rolling cornstalks entails.  I'm not sure if he is talking about cornstalks that have been cut down or if he's rolling them down to the ground and then tilling them under. Anyone know?

Met with two people for estimates for some yard work in the am.
Kids were super cranky and in a post-Easter-candy-withdrawal.  They revived after naptime, which was much appreciated by all.
Worked on laundry all day.
After the kids went to bed I started making spinach pies for Ada's upcoming 2nd birthday party. Ran out of spinach so I switched over to maneesh.  Took me about three hours in all.

I really wish I knew what sort of "Surprise" was pulled on dear Walter Goodacre.  I'd like to know what sorts of things would be considered funny or surprising back then... ;-)

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Monday March 31. 1913 vs Sunday March 31, 2013

Mother and Dad went to town. I done up the work and started a sunbonnet a.m.
P.M. went and cleaned up the Church after the doings of the previous day.

Note: Just a hint.... Mother and Dad (Ella and George) were out car shopping!

44-50 Fair
Rolled most all day.

Our Easter Sunday.
I had the kids Easter baskets out on the breakfast table this morning so, not a lot of breakfast got eaten before church.
Went to church with the kids.
After church, came home quickly to pick up the things we were bringing over to Anita and Pierre's.  The kids ate first while we waited for everyone else to show up.  We ate a fabulous feast put on by Anita, and then the kids had their first Easter egg hunt, which was a huge hit.
Maurice wanted to stop and inspect each egg, and open it if it had candy in it. Ada was all about the hunt.  She was over that yard looking for more eggs.
Here Ada is preparing to steal one of Maurice's eggs.

Note the cautious look Maurice has when passing his sister.

Ada, perusing the yard for more eggs.
It was a very nice Easter, spent with new and old friends.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

3/30/1913 (Sunday after Easter) vs 3/30/2013 (Saturday before Easter)

Had our Easter
Thank Offering and David Livingstone centenary.
Offerings $32.86 ($770.60)

Note: David Livingstone was born March 19, 1813, and for those that don't know, he was a famous missionary to Africa who "discovered' the source of the Nile River. (My brother Matt tells us the Africans weren't surprised by this revelation in the least) Regardless, Dr. Livingstone was very famous and it sounds like the church was celebrating the centenary of his birth by taking up a special offering.  Interestingly enough, people still celebrate his birth.
Sounds like Dora was satisfied that the Easter celebration that she helped plan and decorate for went well.

44-60 Fair
at home in am
went to church in pm
home at night.

Note: another interesting compare and contrast between male and female observations...

We had a lot to do today so Tarek and I divided and conquered. I took Maurice and Tarek took Ada (usually we reverse it, so this was fun).  Maurice and I went and ordered a special cake for Ada's birthday this week. Then we went to Trader Joes (again-2nd time this week), then had lunch, then got gas, then got groceries.  Ada totally wouldn't have lasted for all of that.  It was fun to be with my boy today.
In the afternoon, Tarek finished working on the trees.  I got Easter baskets ready while the kids were napping and boiled eggs.
When we came in from outside we colored Easter eggs with the kids, which went surprisingly well.  Then dinner.  Then bed. After the kids were in bed I made devilled eggs for tomorrow. (By the way, just a bit of curry powder in the mix makes those eggs just amazing!)

Friday, March 29, 2013

3/29/1913 vs 3/29/2013

Swept and cleaned A.M.
Baked Cakes, etc.
P.M. went to the church and got things in shape for Sunday.

34-30 Fair
at home in a.m.
worked in woods in pm.

Worked at sleep clinic in the morning, got home later than I thought I would.
Met with someone from a landscaping company to see about getting our vegetable garden in shape.
Nice evening with the kids and Tarek. We played outside and Tarek trimmed back one of the apple trees.
I am hoping to go to bed early tonight. I've been short on sleep since the week before I went to Seattle.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

3/28/1913 vs 3/28/2013

Finished Ironing
Baked Bread.
Fussed with 2 little pigs.
Sewed a little.

Note: Dora's financial records indicate that she donated $1.00 to the "Dayton Flood Sufferers".   This would be the equivalent of $23.45. 
If you recall, back on the 21st, she indicated they had a 'very severe storm' which blew down a neighbor's barn and 'smashed our lawn swing'. She also says that the storm did much damage throughout...she originally put 'throughout the state', but then crossed out 'the state'. They must have gotten word that this storm had caused immense flooding in the Midwest, particularly Dayton, Ohio.  It was probably the Hurricane Katrina of 1913.

30-40 Fair
at home all day
went over to Lew Heckleman at night.

Note:  Ray's financial records indicate that he donated $3.00 to "Ohio Flood."  This is equivalent to $70.35

I find this entry perhaps the most interesting on in Ray's journal so far.  I never knew my grandfather, but I am happy to know that he had a generous spirit and that he was moved by other people's suffering.  I can catch hints him with his dedication to the farm, his organizational ability, his ease with numbers (there are several scraps of paper with long lists of numbers that have been neatly tabulated), his temperance principles, his scratchy handwriting with poor punctuation and spelling, the tedium and the excitement of it all.  With this, though, I see he was moved by suffering and did something to help alleviate it.  I'm proud to be the grand daughter of this farmer, the one who cleaned Timothy seed, buckwheat, who polished his harness to a sheen, who liked candy, and who gave to those in need.

Worked in the neuro office today. Got home early and had a really fun evening with Tarek and the kids.  Ada is really loving to scribble on paper, and Maurice is coloring so well now.  And Ada had these crazy pig tails in today, in honor of Glenwood Emma birthing a big litter yesterday....

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3/27/1913 vs 3/27/2013

Done some ironing A.M.
Went down to Grandmas P.M.

at home in am
took sow down to Childs in pm
Staid up most of the night with Glenwood Emma she had 16 pigs.

Note: in the back of Ray's journal, he notes that on March 26th, he put his white sow in with his boar. Something or rather, nothing must have happened because then on the 27th, today, he took that same white sow down to Childs.

Worked in the sleep lab in the morning. Went to a dermatologist after wook to see if he can find a cure for my eczema. He had some interesting ideas.
Nice afternoon with the kiddos.
Nothing exciting today like helping a laboring sow birth 16 pigs....

PS Want to know more about breeding pigs? Check this out...  Now I know why he kept such good records about who had their sows with his boar.  Apparently you can't mate a boar more than three times a week...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

3/26/1913 vs 3/26/2013

Hung up the clothes early. Sewed. Washed our heads.
Studied camera.
Agent stopped to stay all night. (written in pen)

C.H. Berglund (written in pencil)

Note: In the back of Dora's journal she has saved several calling cards. Some of them are female names, but most of them are male names.  I wondered as I first looked through these, who these men were.  Love interests? Someone she met on one of her trips? C.H. Berglund's card is in the back of Dora's journal. It's text reads:
Chicago Portrait Company
Capital Stock One-Half Million
509-511-513-515-517 So. Wabash Avenue
C.H. Berglund    Chicago.

There is another professional calling card from a Henry T Price of the McIntosh Stereopticon Company.  This address reads 30 East Randolf Street Chicago.

That leaves two other cards that I like to speculate may be love interests, but probably weren't.  Walter A. Murdoch from Flint, Michigan and a mysterious Verne Cole (Verne's card is beautifully scripted and looks achingly romantic-Walter seems more steady and industrious).

Who knows, though? She 'washed her head' in preparation for Mr. Berglund, something she hasn't mentioned doing ALL YEAR....  Maybe she was just like any girl, hoping to stumble across Mr Right at any place or time.

30 Snow
at home in AM
Went to woods in pm cleaned timothy seed
Red sow had 15 pigs.

Took Maurice to pre-school (Tarek and I went early for parent-teacher conferences) and then ran some errands with Ada. Came back home and visited with Eva and Yuji a bit before going back and picking Maurice up from pre-school.
Eva and Yuji left after lunch.
I ran on the treadmill after the kids went to bed.

Monday, March 25, 2013

3/25/1913 ( (Tuesday) vs 3/25/2013 (Monday)

Washed A.M.
Sewed P.M.
Bought Jersey Heiffer [sp] for $50 ($1172.56 in 2013 money)

Note: Dora also lists financial expenditures today of:
College Spectrum $1.03
Bulb and Seeds $0.55
Thank Q. Box $0.05
She then lists income of:
Return postage $1.00
Sweeper Vac $8.00 (She had a new-fangled vaccuum cleaner and would take it to people's houses and clean their carpets for them until she made enough to pay her father back and then she saved it for buying a camera!)
Interest on notes: $5.02

30-  Misty
Cleaned buckwheat in am.
Went to town in pm
Brot [sp] Heifer & calf home.

Tarek got up early in the morning, intending on going to work, and shovelled the drive. I convinced him to stay, and work up stairs from home today. We got about a foot of snow!
Chatted with Eva in the morning.
After lunch, while Yuji and Eva napped, we went out and played in the snow.  Maurice must have learned how to make snow angels at pre-school.  Both kids loved being out side. It really wasn't all that cold, about 40 degrees, so the snow was already compacting and perfect for snow balls.  So Tarek and I had a few snow ball battles, which the kids enjoyed watching.
I worked on laundry and in the evening Maurice and I went out in the snow with Eva and Yuji for Yuji's first snow experience.
Nice day overall...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

3/24/1913 (Monday) vs 3/24/2013 (Palm Sunday)

Stormy did not wash
Went to Parkville in the afternoon.
Called on Nadine awhile.

30-60 Cloudy
at home in am
went to town in pm.

Ray's financial ledger records an expense of $1.00 ($23.45 in today's dollars) for "Spectrum".  (Later entries by Dora suggest this may have been some sort of college curriculum.)

Went to church with the kids, Eva and Yuji.
Tarek finished rounding early and came to meet us for lunch. But while we were waiting in line, Ada was trying to play on the very dirty floor, and I was trying to keep her up, holding on to her arm. She was leaning away, intent to roll around on the floor in her pretty dress and I felt a little 'pop' somewhere in her arm. She immediately began crying inconsolably.  And I immediately knew that it was either her shoulder or elbow that popped out.
Anyway, we ended up in the ER.  By the time x rays were taken, whatever it was (probably her elbow) spontaneously went back into position, so no forceful manipulations were needed.  She was suddenly back to her sunny self and then we had to wait FOREVER for the xrays to be read.
Needless to say, I wasn't up for cooking, so we ordered pizza, which was delivered right as the snow storm began in earnest.  We're expecting close to a foot at the most.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

3/23/1913 (Easter Sunday) vs 3/23/2013 (Saturday)

Completed decorations in the church A.M.
Rained hard all day.
Spent the day at home reading, etc.

40-50 Rain very windy
at home all day

Note: I'm a little confused about if they made it to church for the church service on Easter Sunday. Looks like Dora went down to finish decorating the church, but then went home and no services were held.  It must have been disappointing since she'd been working on these decorations for some time.
Incidentally, Easter Sunday in 1913 was notable for having a devastating tornado in Omaha, Nebraska.

Tarek is rounding in the hospital this weekend.
David came by in the A.M. and touched up some paint.
I took the kids to McDonalds for lunch and then we got groceries.
Eva came in the evening from St Louis with little Yugi (so CUTE!). So nice to see her again!!
Ada doesn't know what to do about having a younger, also cute baby around the house. She seems to be viewing him as a threat to her command on Cute Central. Maurice is just happy to have another man around the house.
And, in the spirit of strange storms, Dora, we are on the verge of getting pounded with 6-9+ inches of snow tomorrow!

Friday, March 22, 2013

3/22/1913 vs 3/22/2013

Swept A.M.
Went to Mendon for the contest dinner.
Grange in the afternoon.

30-36 Fair
Went to town to Grange contest dinner all day.

Note: Ray spent $0.20 on a collar today.

Worked at the sleep lab today.
Met an old kindergarten through 6th grade classmate for lunch!! She lives down here now, so it was so fun to see her again and catch up on like 20+ years of life.
Came home, they were just finishing up painting the family room.
Tarek spend the rest of the evening putting things away and re-organizing.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

3/21/1913 vs 3/21/2013

On the sick list.
Very severe storm.
Blowed down the old Holmes barn.
Smashed our lawn swing and did much damage throughout the state. (not sure why, but she crossed out the words "the state")

Note: I like her term of being on the 'sick list', as if a list were being passed around prayer meeting or church, praying for those unfortunate souls who were sick in bed.  She sounds rather grudging to be included...

40-30  Rain Snow
Greased harness all day

We had the worst wind storm over [unintelligle-looks like huoroun] here in am.

Dora, I, too, am on the 'sick list'.
No terrible storms here, but just stangely bone chilling cold.
Worked in Neuro office today and the last two patients were pretty complicated. Saw two new consults in the hospital with my supervising doctor and then went home.
Tarek kept the kids up and we got them bathed and ready for bed.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3/20/1913 vs 3/20/2013

Ma & I went to the church to decorate for Easter.
Went to John Millers to practice at night.

40-62  Fair
Greased harness most all day.

Worked in sleep clinic today; it was a slow day.
Was impressed by my children's cuteness and sweetness in the afternoon.
Chatted with a friend (Hi, Michele) in the afternoon.
Went to a drug dinner with Tarek in the evening. We learned about the newest, latest, and greatest seizure medication.  All seizure meds stink in terms of bad side effects, but as time goes on, it appears that new ones seem to be getting slightly better....

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3/19/1913 vs 3/19/2013

Swept the church A.M.
Brought Grandma up to spend the day.
Rosa Ballman and mother came in the P.M.

41-62 Fair
Pa & I took 2 loads of hogs to Wasepi.
Greased Harness in pm. Went to Langs to prayer meeting.

Ray must have stopped in Mendon because he spent $0.10 on candy.

Took Maurice to pre-school and Ada and I ran errands.
I started working on laundry in the afternoon.
I've been feeling bad all day with cold symptoms that are just getting worse. Bleh.
Wanted to go to bed early but heard the news that the Syrian conflict has escalated and now chemical weapons are being used.  This always makes us worry about Tarek's family.  Even though Syria is a neighboring country, bad things tend to spill over and all foreign governments have their own motives.

Monday, March 18, 2013

3/18/1913 vs 3/18/2013

Ironed A.M.
Went to Mrs. Langs to missionary meeting P.M.
Willie Mahar's funeral.

Dora indicates she gave $0.05 to W.M.S. (Women's Missionary Society)

28-52 Fair
went to Willie Mahar funeral in am.
Greased Harness in pm.

Ray's ledger indicates he paid $0.25 for a haircut.

Had a slow morning with the kids and Mom and Dad.
The tree guys came and ground out about 15+ stumps. Looking forward to having some more trees planted in the near future.
Mom and Dad left a little after noon.
Didn't start laundry until after the kids went to bed tonight, which means I'll be behind all week now.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

3/17/1913 vs 3/17/2013

Washed (written in pencil) A.M. (remaining script is in pen)
Practiced and started to make a Flag of Great Britain.

An entry indicates she paid a David D Cook (Missionary Society) $0.89.

16-30 Fair
at home in a.
worked in woods in pm.

Got up early and checked out of hotel. Took a cab to the airport and Lo and Behold! Somehow the Medtronic people booked me first class all the way home. This was cause for much rejoicing.  And, um, although I know I'll probably never fly first class again, I sort of don't ever want to return to coach....
Tarek kept the kids up so I could see them. Maurice was happy to see me. Ada was playing with her Mickey Mouse car and  only got interested in me when I was showing Maurice pictures of the plane that I took on my phone. Silly girl. We got some good snuggle time in though, before bed.
Chatted with Mom, Dad, and Tarek before bed. Sounds like they all had a nice weekend and Mom and Dad keep raving about Tarek's skill in the kitchen. And he keeps telling them to be quiet.... Hm...

Saturday, March 16, 2013

3/16/1913 vs 3/16/2013

Practised and read A.M.
Went to church and S.S.
Albert and May came home with us and stayed untill 10 P.M.

Dora's financial ledger shows she put $1.50 for the Envelope.
Went down to J.W. Millers & Slathers in am
at church in pm.
Albert & May came up
staid for supper

Rays financial ledger indicates he spent $1.50 on Envelopes and $0.01 'at S.S.'

Went to Deep Brain Stimulator conference from 7:30am - 4:00pm. This is truly an amazing therapy that I'm really happy to be a part of...
Went back to hotel and Skyped with Tarek, the kids, and Mom and Dad before the kids went to bed.
Then I set out walking and eventually found Pike Market, which was really fun. Found the original Starbucks and the famous market that throws fish, although there were no flying fish when I was there. Bought a few little things. Had dinner at Lowell's, the place with great views of the bay and wharf.
Everything was closing up, so I came back to the hotel to clean up and get ready for my flight back home tomorrow am.

Friday, March 15, 2013

3/15/1913 vs 3/15/2013

C & L [Clarence and Lavina] were here untill [sic] noon
Went to the church to make fire and practice for Easter
Called on Grandma and Millers. they were all sick.

35 Snow
at home all day

Worked in the sleep clinic in the am.
Went to the airport after work.
Flew to Denver and the flight was late so I ran to catch the flight to Seattle.
On the Seattle flight there was a medical emergency but half of the plane ended up being medical professionals so I didn't join in the melee.
Seattle is lovely, as expected.
Busy day tomorrow...
I miss my babies, but hear Ada is charming her Grandpa...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

3/14/1913 vs 3/14/2013

Went to the funeral service of Allan Andre and brought Clarence and Lavina over here.

40-62 Rain
at home in am
went to Allan Andre funeral in pm

Worked in the neuro clinic today alone. It was steady, but I got home at 4:30, probably the earliest to date on a Thursday since starting back to work.
Mom and Dad were here when I got home.  I saw something I'd never seen before.  My mom climbed on my dad's back and they played horsey for the kids.  I don't think the kids understood the magnanimity of the situation, but I will never forget what I saw...
Packing for my first trip away from the kids.  Glad that Tarek has my parents as back up. And the kids are delighted to have them here too.
Dad and Tarek started pruning the apple trees tonight.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

3/13/1913 vs 3/13/2013

Sewed most of the time.

41-56 Cloudy
at home in am.
Helped clean cistern & load 2 loads of hay.
Went to town in P.M.  took colt over.

Ran all day.
It snowed over night and the roads were slick, so I was running a bit late to work.
Busy morning there.
After work hurried to a hair appointment.
Then hurried home.
Maurice wanted pancakes for dinner. I was able to make a tractor-shaped pancake! Score!
After the kids went to bed I ran to the laundry mat AGAIN to wash Maurice's comforter. He had a big pee the other night that, um, affected the comforter.  And then Ada, tonight, while excited about the bath, peed on the bath mat (which is large and ungainly).  So, off to the laundry mat.  But this time I was an old pro and didn't have to read the instructions, even yacking on the phone, while flipping in the coins with confidence. So, I felt good about that.
Then, after that I stopped at the car wash to vacuum my car.  Why vacuum my car at 9:30 pm?  Because my mother is coming down tomorrow and it is a cardinal sin to have a messy car.  But back in her age of child-rearing, they didn't even have car seats (gasp!), and sure enough, none of us ever showered the back of the car with Cheerios, Goldfish and gooey lollipop sticks.  And...<delicate cough> kids do just that.
But, mind you, I was aware at all times of if anyone was creeping up on me. Aware that with the vacuum running and with my intent vacuuming that I would be a prime candidate for a mugging.  (Just to vindicate my brothers and father that all of their scare tactics did not go on deaf ears.)  And in casting many furtive glances over my shoulder, someone probably alerted the police that I had just committed a heinous crime and was trying to get rid of the body hairs...(too much CSI)
Then....(are you tired yet? Because I certainly am)...I went to the grocery store to get mozzarella cheese for the pizza Tarek is making tomorrow because tomorrow is my long day at work.  I remembered to get a 10 pound bag of sugar, olives, avocados, mushrooms, and bought a gallon of mild we didn't need (but will use).  Got in my car and remembered that I hadn't actually picked up the cheese.  Went back in, got it, and went through the same check out line with the same cashier (who, by the way, looks exactly like a young Prince Charles--AND his name was Will. Hm.), and didn't look him in the eye.
Yep.  That kind of day.
Probably didn't need to go into all of that detail, but for some reason "Ran all day" didn't really seem to sum it all up.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

3/12/1913 vs 3/12/2013

Sewed all day.
Made apron and corset covers.

32-52 Fair
Took a log of hogs to Wasepi in am
at home in pm

I grew up in Mendon and had no idea where Wasepi was/is.  Come to find out, it's just south of Mendon, down off Nottawa Road.  (North of Nottawa)

Took Maurice to pre-school and ran errands with Ada. Went to the paint store to look for colors for the family room. Called in an Rx for our nanny, who has been sick for long enough... ;-(
Talked to Brian for a bit on the phone in the afternoon.
Maurice must be going through a growth spurt because he is suddenly consuming large quantities of food, unlike before.  He used to just pick at things.  Granted, he still doesn't eat what I cook for him, forever making me pull my hair out trying to figure out what to cook for the family that isn't chicken nuggets. The boy won't even eat Mac n' cheese anymore!

Monday, March 11, 2013

3/11/1913 vs 3/11/2013

Took Mother down to Grandmas.
Ironed nearly all day
Sent Parcels Post Package to Florence S and Nettie Prescott.

30-44 Fair
at home in am
went to wood in pm

A slow day. I too, did a large load of laundry. (Dora said she did a large load on her Monday washing.)
Ran on the treadmill after the kids went down to bed.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

3/10/1913 vs 3/10/2013

Very large washing (written in pencil)
Allan Andre killed himself in New Orleans, La. (written in pen)

(Note: I did a search online and was unable to find any notable deaths. Perhaps this was a family friend?)

28-42 Fair
at home in am
drawed a load of lumber in pm

A beautiful Sunday! The weather was gorgeous and the temperature got as high as 67 degrees.
Kids played outside, in the sandbox, on their bikes, in the wagon, and on the swings.
Tarek and I planned out the garden and discovered that we have more property than we thought we did.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

3/9/1913 vs 3/9/2013

Read and played A.M.
Went to church P.M.
Manley Rood came at 6 P.M. and stayed until Monday after dinner.

(looks like Dora had some catching up to do on her journalling.... Now I don't feel so bad about missing an occasional day...)

40-50 Fair
at home in am
church in pm

Went out looking for a new kitchen table today and didn't find what we were looking for.
Had lunch at Chick Fil A and the kids got to play for a while there.
I took Maurice's comforter to a laundry-mat during nap time. My washer and dryer isn't quite big enough to do the job without making it all wrinkly.  Haven't been to a laundry-mat in years!
Put the kids to bed early in hopes of an easier transition to Daylight Savings.  I had planned to go to bed early too, but got caught up in a book about Hildegard, a saint from the 1100's.
I'm always a sucker for women in history....

Friday, March 8, 2013

3/8/1913 vs 3/8/2013

Baked 2 cakes and did the Sat. work A.M.
P.M. Went to town in sleigh for the last time.

(The snow must have been melting...)

20-44 Fair
Drawed lumber
Brot calf home from Andrew
Beauty had a calf.

Worked at the sleep clinic.
Kids were testy all afternoon.
Made a run to Target and then met Tarek for dinner (which was terrible). 
Went to Costco after and then home to put the kids to bed.

Dora, the snow is melting here too.  But our roads are totally clear and we wouldn't be able to sleigh anyway...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

3/7/1913 vs 3/7/2013

Baked Bread etc.
Went down to Grandma's P.M.
She gave Lavina and I pillow tops she made with her own hands.
29 years to the day she came to Mich.

Note: In the back of Dora's journal she notes, "The Stahl family came to Mich Mar 7, 1884"

10-28 Fair
Drawed lumber and rolled logs
Over to Baers all day.

Worked at the Neuro office today.
Home at a reasonable time.
Ada can do somersaults now.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

3/6/1913 vs 3/6/2013

Washed up the things from Grandmas and sent flowers to Aunt Sadie.
It stormed so we didn't go down to Grandmas.

16-12 Storm
at home in am
dressed hog
at home in pm

Note: I notice he uses the term "dresses a hog" instead of "butchering" a hog. Wonder if this hog was destined for the smoke house and not for sausage?

Worked at sleep clinic today.
Spent some one on one time with Maurice this afternoon.
Ada was pretty cranky when she woke up from nap.
Fixed caramel pork for dinner.
Plan on going to bed early tonight.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3/5/1913 vs 3/5/2013

Done up the work in the A.M.
P.M. was the funeral.
Clarence and Lavina was here.

16-36 Fair
Took clover seed to town in am
Went to Grandpa funeral  in pm

Took Maurice to pre-school and ran errands with Ada. Got groceries.
Slow afternoon with the kids, but everyone was shockingly well-behaved.
Made shrimp tacos for dinner.
It started snowing hard around 3:45 pm. It occured to us around 9:30 pm that perhaps we'd better check the status of the driveway. Tarek started shovelling right away. I went out around 10 pm and we finished the drive together.  I'd guess it was about 4-5 inches and it was still falling when we went in.

Monday, March 4, 2013

3/4/1913 vs 3/4/2013

Was down at Grandmas. Swept and dusted and washed the windows and mother and I took care of Grandma. Aunt Mate came at 4 o'clock
Baked pie and cake at home.

(Sounds like Grandma wasn't doing very well.  It probably did her heart good to have her daughter and grand daughter fussing over her after this very prolonged illness. And I'm thinking that they were preparing for visitation and the house needed to be cleaned up.)

20-26 Snow
Went to Centerville with Uncle Ammon. Aunt Mate came home with us.

Home with the kids. Did the laundry and straightened the kitchen up.
Spoke with both Mom and Brian and got good reports about Uncle Bill. Sounds like he is doing very well after having had a heart attack.
Still in love with my new kitchen!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

3/3/1913 (Monday) vs 3/3/2013 (Sunday)

Mother went early to Grandmas.
I went with Pa to town.
Grandpa passed away at 5 P.M.

Note: In the back of the journal she records she bought the following items on this trip.
Embroidery $0.20
Felt $0.29
5 Stamps (2 cent)  $0.10
Ribbon $0.03
Crepe paper $0.03
Parcels Post Stamps $0.67
1 Tract W.M.S. $0.02
a grand total of $1.34  or $31.17 in today's money.

24-40 Fair
at home all day
drawed [illegible] ?stumps? in pm
Grandpa Stahl died at 4:30 pm

Brian came down to make his breakfast special (dried beef gravy and biscuits).  Mom and Dad left for church and then Matthew came down.
We got all packed up and left around 11:30 for home.
Kids did really well on the way home.
Came home and the kitchen was almost done and it looks amazing!!
Got Chinese take out for dinner.

3/2/1913 (Sunday) vs 3/2/2013 (Saturday)

Practised A.M.
Went to church P.M.
Read at night

7-13 Snow
at home in am
church in pm

Note: Ray's financial ledger notes that he gave $0.25 to "Missions". This would be equivilent to about $5.82 in today's money.

At Mom and Dad's.
Tarek went skiing with Brian and Matthew.
Kids played around the house and Maurice got a ride on Grandpa's tractor.
Tom came over and then Tarek came home.  Brian brought Pam and Aunt Shirley over for dinner.
In the evening we talked politics and religion as usual...

Friday, March 1, 2013

3/1/1913 vs 3/1/2013

Baked some things A.M.
P.M took a bath and called on Mrs. Wise.
Emma Mercure was married.
Morton Potters Birthday Party.

28-32 Fair Awful sleet at night
Drawed logs all day.
Went to Morton Potters Birthday Party.

Worked at sleep clinic today. Got home and the guys were painting. Kept the kids up hoping they'd sleep in the car on the way up to Michigan. They didn't sleep, but were pretty well behaved during the car ride. Had dinner with Mom and Dad. Kids played after dinner. Both went to sleep reasonably well.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

2/28/1913 vs 2/28/2013

Took Mother and Grandma Miller down to Grandpas.
Butcher came to kill cow.
So I stayed here swept and cleaned up.

17-26 Fair
Drawed logs all day
Sold red cow

Note: Another hilarious comparison. Dora says, "The butcher came to kill the cow." There's a bit of a brutal element in that description. I know she was a hardened farm girl, but there is something about how she describes this that I find surprising. 
Then Ray just says, "We sold the cow" indicating the cow was cash to him. There is no mention in his financial ledger about cash received for the cow so the money must have gone to his father.

Worked at the neuro office today. Got home at a reasonable time.
After the kids went to bed Tarek and I re-stocked the freshly painted pantry. Excited about this new paint in the kitchen, it's going to make a world of difference!
Heading to Michigan tomorrow after we get home from work. Kids (and grandparents) are excited!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

2/27/1913 vs 2/27/2013

Regular routine A.M.
Sewed P.M.

26-30 Fair
Drawed logs in a.m.
Cut a tree in pm

Note: I wonder what field or fence row they were clearning out. I also wonder what they did with the logs since I'm pretty sure they heated with coal.

Worked at the sleep clinic today. Ran errands after. Came home & peeling the sticky liner off the pantry shelves and then played Mama Doggie with the kids. In case anyone is wondering, this is where I crawl around on my hands and knees, barking and panting (with gusto and without any shame, mind you), chasing the kids and then pretending to lick them when I catch them.  Mama Doggie got tired out after too long and started to work on dinner.
After the kids went down, Tarek & I went to the basement and located his ski clothes. Then I packed in preparation for the weekend trip to Michigan.
Painting in the kitchen tomorrow! Yay!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2/26/1913 vs 2/26/2013

A.M. Done up Grandmas work and canned her pumpins [sic] 3 1/2 qts
Came home about 2 P.M.
Snowed all day.
Sewed a little.

30-38 Snow
Helped fix wagon in am.
Drawed logs in pm.

Took Maurice to pre-school. He is excited about our upcoming weekend in Michigan and suggested that we leave Ada at pre-school and then he and I could go ahead and go to Michigan. Little stinker!
Got my PPD test read. Went to Target briefly. Talked to my brother Tom for a bit on the phone.
Ada took a really long nap so Maurice and I got to spend more time together than usual.
Tarek was quite late from work again, but we all sat at the table together for dinner.
After the kids went down, we emptied out the kitchen pantry and closet in preparation for having them painted this weekend. That was quite a task....

Monday, February 25, 2013

2/25/1913 vs 2/25/2013

Baked Bread & Cake.
Ironed A.M.
P.M. went down to Grandmas
Swept her parlor and moved down the bed
I stayed down overnight.

Note: Dora moved down the bed. First, that must have been quite a task by herself. Second, it seems that Grandpa, who keeps taking turns for the worst, really was worse and needed to be closer to the everyday activity. Either that or it was such a struggle to keep on top of keeping the house and farm that they knew they had to put him closer to the everyday activity to be able to do their daily duties.

20-38 Fair
Drawed logs all day.
broke wagon.

Note: Ray notes in his journal that " Jay Mahar had 2 sows here Feb 25". This is the area where he notes who has their sows with his boar.

Did laundry and straightened up the house.
The tile guy came again to put a bit more grout down. I think that's the last time he'll need to come
Tarek got home a bit later than usual tonight.
I fixed a new recipe for dinner: Oven roasted potatoes, green beans, and garlic with  roasted chicken thighs in a mustard-thyme sauce. Ada ate it. Maurice did not.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

2/24/1913 vs 2/24/2013

Washed 2 washings
Mopped up the kitchen and mended a little.

13-30 Fair
Took some feed down to Uncle Daves in am.
Drawed logs in pm

Went to church.
Napped when the kids napped.
Got groceries after dinner.
Chatted with Brian in the evening.
Will sit with Tarek and watch the Oscars...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

2/23/1913 vs 2/23/2013

Read A.M.
Went to S.S and church P.M.

20 Fair & Snow
Went down to Grandpa in am church in pm home at night.

Note: Interesting that Dora does not go down to Grandpa's that morning.  I wonder if maybe they were annoyed they weren't seeing much of him. Or maybe he wanted to go visit on his own?

Slept in until 7:45, at which point, Ada's warbling made it impossible to stay in bed.
I cut Tarek's hair after breakfast and coffee. We split up, Tarek took Maurice and I took Ada, and we ran errands in the morning. We met up for lunch and then I headed home to put Ada down for nap time.  As soon as Tarek got home with Maurice I headed out to get a TB test at the Minute Clinic and then to the mall to return some things.
When I got home, Tarek had fed the kids. 
Our neighbor girl came over to watch the kids and put them to bed while we went out and had dinner with new friends.
Busy, but nice day!

Friday, February 22, 2013

2/22/1913 vs 2/22/2013

Went to Mendon too [sic] Grange about 9:30
Initiation and Washington Birthday Program got home about 6 P.M.
Oyster dinner served in K.O.P Hall.

(Wow. Oyster dinner?)

31-26 Snow
Went to Grange all day

Note: I just love this. Two people, a man and a woman describing the same hilarious then as it is now....

Worked at the sleep clinic.
Came home and had a nice slow afternoon with the kids.
Will spend some time sitting with Tarek tonight and probably watching a movie.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

2/21/1913 vs 2/21/2013

Done up regular work A.M.
P.M. Went down to the School House, visited the school and gave the children their song.
Came home and made brown bread for Grange.

Note: This is the same school house that is still standing, just down the road from my parents house. It has been converted into a house, actually.

40-46 Fair
at home all day

Worked out at the Neuro office today. Got home around 6 pm, which is significantly earlier than usual, so that was wonderful.
Ada was so cute in the morning. As I was getting ready to leave for work, she came up to me and tried to zip up my coat, just like I do for her as we are leaving the house.
And Maurice had a wonderful day at pre-school, in which he followed directions and played with the other kids in cooperative games.
I feel so blessed to watch my children blossom!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

2/20/1913 vs 2/20/2013

Came home about 9 A.M.
Went to Missionary Meeting in the P.M. to John Millers.

Note: She has got to be exhausted!

38-48 Fair
at home all day

Worked at the sleep clinic today. Had appointments afterwards.
Came home and Maurice was in a terrible mood.
Tarek made it home before bed time.
Maurice fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow, so I guess his days of no naps are catching up with him.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2/19/1913 vs 2/19/2013

Came home from Grandpas and Ironed went back about 5 o'clock

Note:  Since her uncle and aunt left it appears Dora is doing double duty...

40-32 Fair
Drawed a load of sawdust in am
Went to Grange in pm
Prayer meeting at Kate Schneiders at night.

Note: Ray notes in his ledger today that he purchased a "Button P.I.G." for $0.20.  I have absolutely no idea what this is....

Maurice didn't have pre-school today so I took both kids to an appointment I had in the morning.
Got lunch on for the kids and then got ready for work.
Worked the afternoon at the sleep clinic, filling a need for afternoon appointments.
Tarek was really late coming home from work, but he did get to see them before bed.
Joe came over and we finalized details about the shelves and cabinets he is building for the family room.

Monday, February 18, 2013

2/18/1913 vs 2/18/2013

Washed a little in the morning yet A.M.
Went to S.S. Rally afternoon and evening in M.E. church at Mendon.
Speakers were Fred Washburn & wife of Benton Harbor.

34-40 Fair
Drawed a load of wood in am
Went to town to S.S. Rally in pm. also at night.

Note: While Ray was at his Sunday School Ralley, he also found time to buy some candy. His ledger indicates that he spent $0.10 on candy. He also bought overshoes for $1.75.

Did the laundry today and the kids "helped" me. We have a silly song we sing once the washer starts agitating. We chant, "Agitator, agitator, scrub-a-dub-a-dub."  Yes, it's dumb, but it's cute when Ada tries to say it. And Maurice gets mad if he misses the agitator beginning.
I called people and did paperwork that had been building up during the kids nap time.
I also was texting back in forth with my brother Dan all day. He has a most unfortunate case of the shingles.
Folded the laundry while watching TV tonight.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

2/17/1913 vs 2/17/2013

Came home about 8 o'clock
Done up the work and the washing for our two families.

Note: I feel I can hear the fatigue in her voice.

30-36 Fair
at home in am
Drawed 3 loads of manure on garden and [illegible] truch (?) patch
cut wood in pm.

Went to church. Had lunch at the Pancake place that the kids love so much.
I napped while the kids napped and Tarek worked on his naturalization paper work.
Ate popcorn and read books with the kids. Had dinner and more family time later in the evening.
Talked to Brian after the kids went to bed. Made coffee for tomorrow, and made pita chips. Will sit with Tarek and watch our Netflix movie once this is posted.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

2/16/1913 vs 2/16/2013

Regular Sunday Routine. (written in ink)

I went down and sat up with Grandpa. (written in pencil)

27-28 Fair
at home in am
church in pm

Did some shopping in the morning with the kids.
Went to Chick-Fil-A with the kids for lunch and let them run off some steam before naptime.
I got groceries while the kids were napping.
Had a nice, lazy evening sitting in front of the fire place spending time with the kids before bed.
Plan on reading some Neurology this evening.

Friday, February 15, 2013

2/15/1913 vs 2/15/2013

Uncle John and Aunt Angie went away about 9 o'clock
Baked bread
P.M. Hunted pieces to sing for meeting.

Note: Uncle John and Aunt Angie came after a bad spell that Grandfather Stahl had on February 1st.  They came on February 2nd.  So, those times Dora was sitting up with Grandpa, her mother Ella, her grandmother, her aunt, and uncle were all in attendance. And Dora was doing the wash for everyone too.  I wonder if she was relieved that they were gong back home or if that meant that she and her mother were going to have to do more work.
I also wonder which songs she picked out to sing...
30-40 Cloudy
Drawed 12 loads of manure

Worked at the sleep clinic today and saw some more interesting cases.
Did a little shopping after work. I was supposed to do some computer training, but that got cancelled, thank goodness!
Tarek came home from work early and we had a nice evening with the kids. I did a little kitchen re-organizing in the afternoon.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

2/14/1913 vs 2/14/2013

Swept and done some baking getting ready for Kloses in the afternoon at 2 or 3 o'clock.
Made Ice Cream.

18-38 Fair
Drawed a load of wood in am.
at home in pm

Note: Really, Dora?  I wasn't kidding when I mentioned before that they had to have ice to support Dora's ice cream habit...  It's her second batch since Ray cut the ice.

Worked in the Neuro clinic today. 
It was a strange day.
Everyone's computers acted up, I got hung up on one patient and then ran, trying to catch up all day.
Lots of medically complex patients today.
Made it home around 7:20 and Tarek had kept the kids up so I could see them on Valentine's Day.
Sweet snuggles before bed.
Tarek brought me flowers, beautiful flowers....

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2/13/1913 vs 2/13/2013

Made Ice Cream
Baked pie
Sewed a little and puttered around.

5-24 Fair
at home in am
got a load of wood in pm

Worked in the sleep lab.
Met up with and old friend for lunch.
Came home, the kitchen back splash was done so I put the kitchen back in order. 
Made valentines with Maurice for pre-school.
Prepared dinner, put the kids down to bed and then Anita came over to see the back splash.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2/12/1913 vs 2/12/2013

Went down in A.M.
Took the clothes, cookies, and hoarhound candy down and brought Ma home.

10-18 Fair
Went to sale all day

Note: Ray's financial log does not show that he bought anything on this day. I would suppose that if anything were purchased it would have been paid for by his father, George.

Sounds like Dora went down to her grandparent's house alone and returned with her mother. And, if you've not had the 'pleasure' of having hoar hound candy're probably better off.  Hoar hound is one of those tastes that people of a certain generation seem to like, or even love, my father being one of them.  It has it's own unique (read: TERRIBLE) taste, worse, in my book, than even anise.
That said, I wonder if Grandfather Stahl had a craving for hoar hound. Or perhaps he wasn't eating anymore and they were hoping to tempt him to eat with an old favorite.  Or maybe Grandmother Stahl was the one, worn and tired and in need of a pick up.....

Took Maurice to pre-school.  Came home with Ada and waited for the men to show up to do the back splash.  Once they came and we established what was being done, I left and went to go pick up the last remaining light for the kitchen. Ada and I did a little shopping after that and then went to get Maurice. We had lunch at McDonalds because the kitchen was un-usable.
The men finished around 4:30. They are coming back tomorrow to do the grout. Looks really good!

Monday, February 11, 2013

2/11/1913 vs 2/11/2013

Ironed and baked cookies
Mother down there all day
Retired early

24-20 Snow
Helped at ice in am
at home in pm

I sure would like to know what kind of cookies Dora baked...

Nice day with the kids.
I also had an ambition to bake cookies, but as I measured out the flour noticed weevils, of all things...  Scrapped that. Will make them tomorrow hopefully.
Did the laundry and (Dora would be proud) did some mending too.
Made a quick Target run after the kids went to bed to buy flour for tomorrow.
The men are coming tomorrow to do the kitchen back splash, ahead of schedule. So Tarek and I cleared the counter for them.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

2/10/1913 vs 2/10/2013

Washed until about 2 o'clock
Sewed until dark.
Grandpa has another bad spell.
Mother and I stay until 10 P.M.

10-30 Fair
Helped cut ice all day

Note: How much worse can Grandfather Stahl get? He keeps taking worse and having spells.  I am so curious about what he was suffering from.
And, during it all, Ray was cutting ice. My understanding is that they'd get a huge slab of ice from Lake Michigan, cut it into large blocks and then store it in sawdust in the ice house.  This is how they'd keep food cool (and fed Dora's ice cream habit) during the summer.  I would imagine it was hard work, cutting ice.  Sweaty, but chilly at the same time.

The day started out OK.  Ada coughed all night and woke up in a grumpy mood, but the mood improved throughout the day until evening struck and then Ms. Grump reared her cute, but curly head. 
I didn't take the kids to church today. Tarek was rounding and Ada's nose was pretty gooey, with a cough.  I started in with a migraine again in the afternoon.
Friends stopped by to see us, bringing wine, bread, cheese and grapes.  And I was reminded what a terrible friend I am and how I don't take the time to nurture relationships with people I love and care about.
I read an article about introverted people. It was essentially about how extroverts don't understand introverts.  It said that introverts don't let friendships go because they don't like the people, but instead spend a lot of time thinking about that person and appreciate them deeply.  It's the actual interaction part that tires the introvert out and sometimes appears to be not quite worth the effort.
This is true for me.  I've always developed friendships with people I went to school with or worked with and it was easy because I saw them on a regular basis.  I have an immense amount of guilt when I think of my friends, the ones from years ago, the ones from my recent life, and how I've been the one to not keep up my end of the relationship.  However, it's not an excuse.  So, I felt really bad that these friends felt they actually had to come over and bring us food and wine!! 
And then, after that, another friend came over and brought us dinner.  And paint chips, including a sample of what the back splash will be.  Because she knew it was a pain to drag the kids to all of the different paint places, so she just did it for me.
We have wonderful friends.  And we appreciate them ALL from the bottom of our heart.  And, we need to show it more.
So, to all of my friends, older and newer, I LOVE you!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

2/9/1913 vs 2/9/2013

Went to church and S.S. P.M.
Spent the forenoon reading
Grandpa taken worse in the evening.

17-30 Fair
Went down to see Grandpa in am
Staid [sic] for dinner
Went to church in PM

Tarek is rounding this weekend.
Our neighbor girl came over and watched the kids while I went to an appointment in the morning.
Ada is getting another cold.  Maurice finally pooped on the potty again after holding it for like a week (OMG!).
Went to Costco after Tarek got home.
Played with Lincoln logs and made Elmo walk in Ada's shoes, which made her laugh hysterically...

2/8/1913 vs 2/8/2013

Came home 9.30 a.m.
Mopped and swept until noon
Then went to Mendon to Grange. Came home about 6 o'clock.

Note: After staying up all night giving medicine to her ailing grandfather on the hour, Dora came home and apparently attacked the house with vigor.

17-28 Snow
at home in am
Moved a load of corn
Went to Grange  in pm.

Worked in the sleep lab.
Came home and had the hard ware placed on the kitchen cabinetry.
Met Tarek out for dinner (Chick-Fil-A) and the kids played in the play area until they hyperventilated (kidding.).
Forgot to post the blog.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

2/7/1913 vs 2/7/2013

Went down to Grandpa's about 11 A.M. Stayed all night.
Spent the day and evening writing letters and ripping up waist
Sat up to give Grandpa medicine every hour.

Note: It sounds like everyone is getting really fatigued caring for Grandfather Stahl. Dora would have been the youngest, healthiest person to stay up all night, giving their sick patient medicine every hour.  I really do wish she would give some hints as to what he was suffering from.  Strangely, though, it would appear that she didn't have much to do with him that day until night fell. I think she must have been called over to give her mother a break.

14-20 Snow
at home all day

Rounded at the hospital today, all day.
Got home early enough to see the kids for a while.
Turning in early tonight.

Ray's Prescriptions

In Ray's journal he, like Dora, has several newpaper clippings and assorted notes that have been saved.  There is one piece of paper, written in pencil, that includes the recipe for two solutions.
They are:

Sugar of lead 3 Dracham
Warm water 1 Quart


Carbolic acid 2 teaspoonsful
Warm water 1 quart.

Interestingly, Sugar of lead is sweet and quite toxic. Apparently, it was used in ancient Rome as a sweetener. And it was implicated in the possible murder of Pope Clement II in 1047.  Other common uses were for cosmetics and is actually still included in the men's hair dye formula Grecian Formula.  It also may have been used to treat poison ivy.

Carbolic acid also was commonly used as a hair dye and in cosmetics. It was also used as an astringent.

So, what is the verdict? Poison ivy? Or was he losing his hair already and looking for remedies for hair loss?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2/6/1913 vs 2/6/2013

Spend the time mending and sewing besides regular work.

Note: I'm feeling the absence of Ella in what Dora is writing. Clearly the stress of her grandfather on his deathbed is straining the entire family, or at least Dora as she is left to care for the household duties on her own.

8-18 Fair
Went up to pay W.S. Brown in a.m.
Went up to [illegible] corn (?) in p.m.

Went to work at the sleep clinic today.
Someone came out and switched out the lights in the kitchen.
We ordered Lincoln Logs for Maurice and they came in the mail today.
I fell asleep with Maurice while we were snuggling and Tarek had to come up and wake me up.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2/5/1913 vs 2/5/2013

Went down to Grandmas a little bit.
Took the clothes down and got the beef at Uncle Daves.
20 lbs @ 8 1/2.

Note:  Not quite sure what she means about the beef. 20 pounds for 8 and 1/2 dollars? That would be like $197.13 in today's dollars...

10-14 Fair
Went down to Grandpas in a.m.
at home in pm

Took Maurice to pre-school and then ran errands with Ada.
The kids did NOT nap well, so I did not get much accomplished today.
Puttered around in the afternoon/evening.

Monday, February 4, 2013

2/4/1913 vs 2/4/2013

Ironed A.M.
Went to Mendon in the afternoon for a broomstick and a few other things.

Note: In Dora's financial record she notes that she paid $.08 for canvas cloth. She doesn't have a broom stick on record, so I am assuming she put it on her parents tab at the general store. Also noteworthy is that Ray doesn't mention taking Dora in to town. It's likely she went in by herself.  My mom thinks that Ray would have gotton the carriage or sleigh ready for Dora on such occasions.

10-20 Fair
at home in am
at woods in pm

Did laundry, folded it, put it away (except for the load I just remembered is still sitting in the dryer....).
Got groceries (with both kids-ACK!).
Talked to Brian on the phone.
Watched Suits on the DVR.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

2/3/1913 vs 2/3/2013

Went down to see Grandpa, brought the wash home and washed steady from 11 o'clock till 5 p.m.
Mother staying down there.
Very tired tonight.

24 Fair
Went down to see Grandpa in am
cut wood in pm

We actually made it to church on time today.
Read Neurology while the kids were napping.
Anita and Charlie stopped over and then Pierre and Anita came over to watch the Super Bowl. 
We may have been the only Americans drinking wine and eating pate, Camembert, & Gorgonzola cheese during the Super Bowl!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

2/2/1913 vs 2/2/2013

Read A.M.
P.M. went to S.S. & church
Uncle John & Aunt Angie came on the 4 o'clock
Read in the evening.

Note: Their maternal grandfather is still ailing and distant members of the family are showing up.

8-24 Fair
at home in a.m.
church in p.m.

Had an appointment in the morning.
Came home and made pancakes for lunch.
Napped when the kids napped.
Took Maurice for a haircut after nap time.
Went to Menards to get 3 more knobs for our cabinets.
Had pizza for dinner.
Planning on watching the IU/U of M basketball game tonight.

Friday, February 1, 2013

2/1/1913 vs 2/1/2013

Swept upstairs and down
Baked pies and mopped kitchen.
P.M. read and etc.
Grandpa taken worse.
I telephone to Aunt Ang in from B. Millers.

11-18 Fair
at home all day
tested milk & cream

Worked in the sleep clinic today. A slow day because of the cold.
After nap time I had fun with the kids, wrestling, playing and giggling hysterically.
We went out for dinner with Hope & Gary and Angela & David (sushi), during which time I diagnosed every body at the table with at least one health condition, while Tarek continually rolled his eyes.
Came home and chatted with Crystal and David. Heading to bed. It was a very nice day.