Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2, 1913 vs May 2, 2013

Planted 21 Dahlias and 270 Gladiolus bulbs.
Done up curtains.

50-83 Fair
Plowed all day.

Worked in the neurology office today. Saw some intriguing patients.
Came home, the kids were cranky. The men are still laying the floor and the house has totally been torn apart so the kids have not been napping. Poor babies.
Maurice was all about snuggling in bed tonight and hugging.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1, 1913 vs May 1, 2013

Mowed Lawn
Sowed some seeds
Done up curtains
Got out the bulbs
Sowed pansy seed and salvia
After supper too a ride around the square and then went over to Wises untill 9 oclock.

55-80 Fair
Plowed all day.

Worked in sleep lab in the am.
Had a hair appointment after.
Men were still working on the flooring and it was noisy and dirty so Crystal took the kids out for the day. Ada conked out on the way back home and slept until 5:30, when I went and got her up.  Maurice was more than pleased to have me all to himself until then.
After dinner Maurice impressed me with his little truck workbook.  He's connecting matching shapes with a line.  And he is doing great!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 30, 1913 vs April 30, 2013

Made garden A.M.
Went to Mendon PM in auto

Note: She doesn't record any financial expenditures on the 30th, but for the 29th she lists:
Corset $2.75
Muslin $0.15
Paint $0.25
Stockings $ 0.10
Cord & elastic $0.12

40-70 Fair
Drawed 11 loads of manure in am
Dragged rest of day.

Took Maurice to pre-school.
Came home to meet up with the men who are laying our new floor. They were running late so I left for an appointment with Ada. Came back, met with them, and then went to get Maurice. We went to McDonalds for lunch (so we could stay out of their hair) and then to a friend's house to jump on their trampauline (to stay out of their hair longer). Came home, the noise level was amzaing, but both kids were quiet in their beds. I was able to actually do some worrk I needed to do.
It was a gorgeous day. Once everyone was up we headed outside and played with bikes. Ada is a trooper.  When she falls off her tricycle, she cries, and climbs back on crying with a look of fierce determination on her little face.

Monday, April 29, 2013

April 29, 1913 vs April 29, 2013

Finished my room.
Tried to mow lawn.
Ironed some, etc.

(We mowed for the first time two days ago. Wonder why she 'tried' to mow the lawn. Maybe the lawn mower--push type-- needed some servicing?)

40-60 Fair
Dragged most of the day
went to town for salt

Returned several business phone calls in the am. Started several loads of laundry. Tidied up in general. Played outside with the kids after nap time. Both are loving their Christmas bikes although Maurice seems to like Ada's tricycle a bit better than his Strider bike.
Did some yard work after dinner, and the kids happily dug in the dirt while Tarek and I did what we needed to do.
Both kids needed a bath tonight.
Ada has developed a little post-bath/pre-bed routine. After getting in her pajamas and getting her teeth and hair brushed, she sprints into Maurice's room, throws herself giggling onto the little rug in his room.  Once thoroughly sprawled out she proceeds to joyfully convulse every muscle in her body while laughing hysterically.
Oh, the joys of being two!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Monday, April 28, 1913 vs Sunday, April 28, 2013

Washed and done up some curtains.
Sam Holmes came in the morning for the first.

(Rather cryptic mention of Sam Holmes again. She just mentioned him 3 days ago "...and watercolored a room for Sam Holmes.")

40-52 Fair
Went to town in am
Clipped Frank
Brot [sp] new drag home
Dragged in pm.

(Now we know the names of Ray's two work horses: Bill and Frank)

Went to church with the kids. Since Ada turned two years old she's been in the same room with Maurice. So, today when she saw she was going in the big kids room, she just started giggling happily. 
Came home and ate left overs from last night.
Everyone except Tarek took naps.
We got groceries after dinner.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sunday, April 27, 1913 vs Saturday, April 27, 2013

Got ready for Grandma and Uncle Ammon but they didn't come.
Went to church P.M.
Wrote letters at night.

40-48 Rain
at home in am
church in pm

(Maybe Grandma and Uncle Ammon didn't come because they would have likely gotten wet during the ride over.)

Tarek took Maurice in the morning to run a few errands. I started working on dinner things early.  Did some yard work out with the kids. Ada played with her tricycle and Maurice dug in the dirt and rode his bike while I dug up dandelions.
Started cooking in earnest around 2 pm. Pierre and Anita came a bit early, and Anita brought one of her lovely tablecloths over and fixed the table nicely for me.
The Naders came and we had a lovely dinner.  We had: assorted Lebanese pickles (turnips and wild cucumber), cashews and pumpkin seeds as nibblers.  Then fatousch, which Randa brought, and kibbe with labneh, rice with chicken, asparagus, potatoes, hummus, bread, arak, and spinach pies.  Then the pudding for dessert with tea.  The kids behaved really quite well and went to bed without any fuss.

Friday, April 26, 2013

April 26, 1913 vs April 26, 2013

Cleaned up around for over Sunday.
picked out a cup of nuts.

40-60 Cloudy
Clipped Bill in am
Plowed som [e]
Dragged in pm

Worked in sleep lab in the morning. Came home and then realized I forgot to pick up some things from the accountant for Tarek.  So, I ran in to town and did that.
Maurice did not nap. Ada napped until almost 5 pm.
We met Tarek out for dinner and then went to the International Grocery store to get some things for our little dinner party tomorrow.
Stopped at Target on the way home to pick up a few more things.
After the kids were in bed I made Mhalabeya (like an orange blossom cream pudding for those who don't know) for tomorrow's dessert.